One of the most important mission of Cascina San Cassiano is the spread of “food culture” in every way.
From more than one year in Italy a new “art”, called VisualFood, is growing up.
It consists in the creation of “food compositions” beautiful to see and also delicious to eat.
In fact we are not talking about a dish created only for aesthetic purposes, and so inedible because of the materials used to fix it (special glues, fixatives, ecc), but of something that you can firstly appreciate with your eyes thanks to its nice appearance, and then completely eat, without wasting anything.
This area of the website is dedicated to this new “food/artistic movement” and to its main exponent here in Italy and not only: Rita Loccisano.
Designer by occupation and amateur foodblogger, Rita periodically publishes on her website visualfood-design.com images and videos of her creations, and also news about VisualFood such as the dates of the courses that she organizes in several area of Italy.
The aim of the cooperation between Rita and Cascina San Cassiano is the diffusion of the food culture by promoting the art of VisualFood; for this purpose Rita has been selected as main judge of the second official contest organized by Cascina San Cassiano which was also the first VisualFood contest in history.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to introduce you Rita Loccisano, protagonist of the fourth episode of the format “Interview with the blogger” and special guest of the fifth one, with one of the other judges, the blogger Alessandra Perli from Turin.
The other two judges of the contest, the photograper Corrado Morando and Massimiliano Fattorini, author of the blog "La piccola Casa", were unfortunately not there.
However you can see Massimiliano here, as protagonist of the second episode of “Interview with the blogger”, and you'll hear about Corrado very soon!
In the meantime you can visit his website: www.mocafilm.it.
And here you can see a videoreport of the VisualFood Contest.
Finally, on June 3rd, Rita teached in a VisualFood workshop in La Morra, a little town near Alba, organized by the association Turismo in Langa with the cooperation of some local firms, and also of our official shop Gallo Wine Gallery.
A short report of the event has been included in the 7th episode of “Interview with the blogger”.
