The first competition, the Video Contest held in summer 2011, saw many competitors, selected among the bloggers partner of the firm, creating not simple recipes, but video recipes, with sequences of moving images showing each step to follow for the creation of the dishes.
The jury was composed by a professional chef, Bruno Cingolani, owner of the Dulcis Vitis restaurant in Alba, and by Emanuele Caruso, a young local director with experience in both videomaking and cinematography (www.mocafilm.it). |
It was then the turn of the second official contest for the brand Cascina San Cassiano, the VisualFood Contest, in which the competitors were able to approach the modern and creative world of VisualFood, the art of creating nice looking and totally edible food compositions.
Special guest, as well as the first component of the jury, the designer Rita Loccisano, author of the most popular blog on VisualFood of Italy, called A Mouse on the Table, who was also the star of the forth episode of our focus “Interview with the blogger”, as well as guest of the following episode, the fifth one, both published on our multimedia channel Cascina San Cassiano CHANNEL. |
Here’s the result of the VisualFood Contest.
Then Cascina San Cassiano has organized its third official contest called “Cook the Movie”, a quite difficult competition in which bloggers had to recreate a recipe seen in a movie.
The idea was to contribute to the production of the movie “E fu sera e fu mattina” from the director Emanuele Caruso, a personal friend of Cascina San Cassiano, one of the judge of the first competition, the Cooking Video Contest.
The film has been shooted in La Morra, the little town near Alba in the heart of “Langhe” where the wineshop “Gallo Wine Gallery”, official store of the brand Cascina San Cassiano, is situated.
The winner of the contest, Paola author of the blog “I fiori di Loto”, won a “quota” of the production of the movie.
For this reason she will share the earnings of the film coming from the run at the cinema and the sale of DVDs and BluRay copies.
Visit www.efuseraefumattina.it for more information about the movie or watch the interview with Paola, winner of the contest, protagonist of the episode number 8 of “Interview with the blogger”.
Finally here you find a videoreport of the competition.
Then, in the summer of 2012 Cascina San Cassiano organized the fourth official competition, the contest "Star for a Night".
And now in the tenth episode of the format "Interview with the blogger", published in our CHANNEL, you can see the winner of the competition.
The fifth official Cascina San Cassiano contest, "Racconto d'amore ricetta del cuore" (Love story, heart recipe), was the first of the "multitasking competition".
The contenders had infact to proove their ability in several topics, that is to say not only in the art of cooking, but also in photography and literature.
The contest ended on March 31st, and now you can watch Serena and Alessandra, first and second in the final ranking, in the twelfth episode of the format "Interview with the blogger".
Finally we have to talk about the sixth official competition, "Trasgressioni d'estate: birra, sushi e cappuccino" (Summer transgressions: beer, sushi and cappuccino).
Although the terminology may recall that concept, the contest had anything to do with eroticism; the concept of "transgression" was in fact referring to the choice of the main themes of the competition, namely the three foods/drinks that made the subtitle: beer, sushi and cappuccino.
Once again, the winner was Ileana, that has been choosen as protagonist of the 15th episode of "Interview with the blogger", in which you can also see Ivano, one of the judges, performing a "live beer tasting".
